Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D.

 Dark Light Consciousness: Melanin, Serpent Power, and the Luminous Matrix of Reality. 2012, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, USA

A brief review by Mboya Ogutu

In this book, Dr. Bynum a Clinical Psychiatrist, challenges the dominant materialist and positivist Western model of science, particularly in matters of the mind and consciousness. Herein, is a reluctance to recognize collectively verified, replicable subjective experiences. These practices begun in ancient Kemet and eventually spread to other areas. Bynum states that such subjective experiences tend to be categorized as pathologies in Western based psychiatry. Essentially, Bynum presents the human mind and consciousness as subsumed in a wider spacetime continuum. In ancient times to the present, meditative, prayer and other spiritual techniques, have been used to “yoke” (yoga in Asian practices) the mind to the universe. Sema Tawi, which preceded yoga in Asia by millennia, was the equivalent practice by ancient Africans of Kemet.

Bynum sets out to provide a scientific explanation of these experiences of the initiates. The subjective “I” cannot be identified in any part of the brain or body. Bynum presents light as a “fifth dimensional force,” permeating the universe and the human body, right through the central nervous system. Light is the key to explain these subjective experiences of initiates in their sema-tawi/yogic practices. Melanin, the versatile transducer, is key in the ability of initiates to focus attention and connect to a wider self,  losing the false sense of an intrinsic “I,”  leading to ecstasy, peace and an expanded viewpoint. The “I” in reality is a “non-local” entity, subsumed in light. In elucidating this, Bynum, goes through features of matter (which, he explains is permeated by and in light). These are mass-point/particle representations; the continuum archetype; and the pure field, where matter are variants of field concentration. Bynum states that Oyibo’s Grand Unified Theorem captures all three aspects of light.`

Further in the book, Bynum gets into how initiates project themselves into the cosmos as it were. He provides ancient African application of geometry (so called Euclidean “five fundamental shapes”) in meditation. In the modern era, the spacetime geometry of Einstein and higher dimensions, provide scientific base to these ancient techniques. Furthermore, Bynum states that Professor Gabriel Oyibo’s Grand Unification Theorem, not only captures all these geometrical spacesbut goes further, coupling consciousness into the structure of reality. Clearly the totality of GAGUT (and its infallibility), is key in understanding how we can be one with the mind of the universe and in it, rather than the delusional egoistic “I” notion that supposedly exists intrinsically by and of itself.  


*The writer is the author of "The past IS PRESENT ahead of time",  available in Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/past-PRESENT-ahead-time-novel-ebook/dp/B0BY1N2XYH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2KKJMEUNFJXC2&keywords=mboya+ogutu&qid=1684887944&sprefix=mboya+ogutu%2Caps%2C393&sr=8-1

Dr. Bruce Bynum image source: https://ksqd.org/our-african-unconscious-with-dr-bruce-bynum/


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